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The Real Ghost Stories


by LB Thomas

"I had a dream last night."

"That's good. It means you were sleeping."

"I had a childhood toy, a stuffed tiger in a suit with a purple top-hat. I called him Fuzz. He was in my dream."

"Childhood can be a traumatic time."

"Mine was pretty normal, I think. I didn't remember having problems until high school."

"I'd like to get into this more, but our time is up for today."

"But I've only been here for a moment."

"You've been here for over an hour."

"I'm really disoriented."

"I'll write you a prescription for more Seroquel."


"Did you have another dream last night?"

"Yes. Fuzz again, but he was more real than a stuffed doll, human-sized, seemed really alive."

"Did he say anything disturbing this time?"

"Disturbing? What do you mean?"

"Last time you were here, you said Fuzz told you in a dream that the only way to save your soul from hellfire was to pray for forgiveness."

"Hellfire? Pray? I don't remember saying that. I'm not religious."

"It's what you told me."

"I remember telling you that I dreamed about Fuzz, and I did, but he was very friendly and comforting."

"I'm positive about what you told me. I can show you the notes I took during the session."

"No need, I guess. I just don't remember telling you that. But you know how I've been. I forget where I am half the time
